DIY Happy Birthday Banner Box

My lovely friend Fran is in the navy, and today she celebrated her birthday at sea! To make sure she celebrated in style and wasn’t too homesick, I made her a DIY ‘Happy Birthday’ Banner Box.


I first saw this DIY idea on Oh Happy Day and thought it would be great for Fran as the box is small enough to post, and yet will be a big surprise. Plus, Fran can hang the banner on her bunk-bed!

I followed Oh Happy Day’s method, using natural twine instead of string, and made a bespoke message for the lid. Rather than using a circle punch, I used a flower punch for the outer ‘circles’.

Banner Box

As I didnt have a mini hole-punch, I cut out small strips of card and stuck them to the back of each letter to make a loop for the thread to go through, allowing the letters to rotate if the twine twists!


I used colourful tape to secure the string to the underside of the lid and base of the box. It’s an awesome little box; it feels satisfying to open the lid and pull out a great long birthday banner!

You can make this for any occasion – Easter, anniversaries, you name it! All you need is the following materials – coloured card, some printed letters, scissors / shape cutters, a box, glue, and string!


Let me know if you give it a go! Wishing you a Happy Birthday, Fran!

7 thoughts on “DIY Happy Birthday Banner Box

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