#CraftBlogClub: DIY Cupcake Felt Needlebook

Back in November I told you about the #CraftBlogClub Secret Santa, where a group of crafty bloggers make and swap homemade presents with fellow festive craft-bods in time for Christmas.

Cupcake felt needle book | Shelley Makes

I absolutely loved the idea, and signed up straight away. I can now reveal that I was paired with the amazing Zoe from ZoFlo. I spent an age researching Zoe’s blog and social channels for clues about her hobbies, likes and dislikes (read: stalking!), to help me pick a theme for her present.

Felt cupcake needle book | Shelley Makes

I learnt that she is a fan of The Great British Bake Off, the John Lewis Christmas ad, country bike rides, and The Great British Sewing Bee. After umm’ing and err’ing, I decided to combine two of her favourite things, by making a cupcake-themed needlebook and pin cushion ring (cakes and sewing, huzzah!).

Whilst scouring Pinterest for inspiration, I came across this fantastic tutorial from Sew4Home which really fired my imagination. Whilst Alicia’s tutorial featured a lovely cat on the cover, I realised I could adapt this for my cupcake theme, and the instructions were really clear and easy to follow.

Cupcake felt needle book | Shelley Makes

To make a needlebook, you will need:

  • A4 felt sheets (I bought mine from Hobbycraft) – I used 4 colours; 1 A4 sheet of each was plenty
  • Some random buttons (thankfully I’ve been hoarding random buttons…)
  • Embroidery thread or sewing thread (mine is from the Hobbycrafts Value Crafts range)
  • Good pair of sharp scissors
  • Soft toy filling (optional) to make your shape on the front raised (plump)
  • Dress-making pins, safety pins, needles, thread or whatever you want to include in your book

If you’ve never sewed or used felt before, never fear – because I hadn’t either, and it was surprisingly easy. Also, if you have to Google how to sew a button on, that’s OK (because I had to too!). I started by cutting out all of the felt pieces, and then one by one sewed them on using running stitch.

To make the cupcake on the front look a little raised, I inserted some soft toy filling before sewing the gap, so it has a 3D effect. I also picked a white glittery felt! Once complete, I filled the book with various pins, thread and buttons that might come in useful, but Zoe can add to this with her own stash.

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To accompany the needle-book, I also made a matching cupcake pin cushion ring (because everyone needs a pin cushion they can wear as a ring!) – you can read more about that DIY here.

I must admit, I was pretty chuffed with the end result, and I hope that Zoe likes her gift as much as I do! I can’t wait to see what everybody else has made – feel free to share your links below =)

Cupcake felt needle book | Shelley Makes

I’ll be posting about the awesome crochet gift I received from Kate at Beak Up Crafts very soon!